Physics 1302


This page represents my first attempt to use the Web as a method of providing supplementary material to students here at UH. This Page will grow during the course of the semester. I plan to post homework solutions, the hour test questions and solutions after the tests are given and other related materials as they become available.

Physics 1302 Syllabus

Edgar A. Bering, III
Science & Research I, Room 530D
Phone: 743-3543
Personal Home Page:
Course Home Page:

This course will cover at least chapters 16 through 27 and 29 through 31 in Physics, 3rd edition, by Cutnell and Johnson, John Wiley & Sons publishers. Homework is also assigned on Ch's 32 and 28, Special Relativity and Ionizing Radiation. These topics may even be covered in lecture if time permits. The pace will be frenetic; we will cover on average slightly more than one chapter per week. There will be three hour exams: one at the end of chapter 20 on Feb. 21, one at the end of chapter 25 on Mar. 27, and one at the end of the course on May 1. The final will be comprehensive. It will be held Monday, May 6, 11:00 am - 2:00 pm. No calculators or notes will be permitted during any examination; blank paper and/or answer sheets will be provided, so you only need to bring with you to each exam a pencil and an eraser. Each exam will emphasize testing your problem solving skills.

Homework is assigned below and will be collected each Monday as listed below. At least two of the problems from each chapter will be graded on a scale of 0 to 10. A penalty of 20% of the maximum possible score will be assessed for homework turned in late.

Due Date Chapters Problems
Jan. 29 16, 17 16- 10 18 26 46 72 84; 17- 08 16
Feb. 05 17, 18 17- 22 34 42 55; 18- 16 20 32 50
Feb. 12 18, 19 18- 54 56; 19- 04 16 22 30 36 50
Feb. 19 20 20- 28 38 48 50 66 82 92 102
Feb. 26 21, 22 21- 10 22 36 42 56 68; 22- 08 22
Mar. 04 22, 23 22- 34 44 54 62; 23- 06 14 20 24
Mar. 18 23, 24 23- 30 36; 24- 04 14 18 26 30 40
Mar. 25 25, 26 25- 08 10 16 22 28 38; 26- 18 32
Apr. 01 26, 27 26- 46 54 68 80 92 98; 27- 08 14
Apr. 08 27, 29 27- 24 28 38 44; 29- 10 22 30 34
Apr. 15 29, 30 29- 38 42; 30- 04 12 18 32 40 56
Apr. 22 31, 32 31- 08 16 26 36 48 56; 32- 10 16
Apr. 28 32, 28 32- 26 34 40 48; 28- 06 16 32 36

The formula used to compute your numeric grade is the following:

Grading Formula

Note that each quiz is equally weighted, that the quizzes constitute 45 percent of your final grade, that the final is 35 percent, and that you can gain 20 points by doing all of the homework correctly. That's usually more than the difference between a C and an A.

Homework Solutions

Homework 1, January 29

Homework 2, February 5

Homework 3, February 12

Homework 4, February 19

Homework 5, February 26

Homework 6, March 4

Homework 7, March 18

Homework 8, March 25

Homework 9, April 1

Homework 10, April 8

Homework 11, April 15

Homework 12, April 22

Homework 13, April 29

Hour Tests

Each link will show both solutions and the grade distribution

Spring, 1996

Hour Test 1

Hour Test 2

Hour Test 3


Final Exam

Homework Histogram

Total Score Histogram

More Course Material

will appear here when available.

Right now, all you can do is return to Prof. Bering's Personal Home Page: